House Calls

Come on, Charley,
she won’t die of it.

You know, she’ll spend
the rest of her life

eating over her shoulder.
I wonder if I should
talk to Willoughby.

In what language?
Yeah, I know
what you mean.


What if there was a surgeon
whose wife
recently passed away

and he came back
to work too soon

not knowing that he
was still in a state

of deep emotional shock?
You’ve been in
the sun too long, Charley.

Now, this fellow
would never take

another doctor’s
patients knowingly.

But this time,
deranged with grief...

That’s what
you’ll tell Willoughby?

No, you are.
Oh, Charley!

You can do it, Norman.
Just be charming.

Hi, I’m Dr. Nichols.
Mrs. Ann Atkinson.
Ann, what I’m going to do
is take that football helmet
right off your head. Okay?

It’s done its work.
Just relax.

So much for the preliminary
part of your treatment.

Now, your injury, thank God,
isn’t too serious.

Yeah, feels better,
doesn’t it?

What I propose to do
is to insert a piece
of wire on either side

until your jaw heals.
It won’t be noticeable,
and we’ll take it out
within two or three weeks.

That is, if you’d
like me to do it.

Dr. Erlich,
call extension 216.

Dr. Erlich, 216.
“No fart”?
Oh, “old fart.”

Okay. No, I won’t let the
old fart anywhere near you.

I promise.
Now, as I say,
this is a simple procedure.

Nevertheless, it’s surgery,
and we should
notify your husband.

Oh, he’s dead?
Uh, divorced? Mmm.
