
Don't drink anymore.
You're such an asshole!
This is what l am!
Everyone who drinks
is not a poet.

Some of us drink
because we're not poets.

A real woman could
stop you from drinking.

lt'd have to be a real big woman.
Will you take my hand?
That would leave you with one!
Sorry. Here's the hand.
l love you, Arthur.
Good! l have to talk
to the waiter now.

My doctor advised me to
drink 1 0 of these an hour.

l understand, Mr. Bach.
This is the ring my grandfather
gave to my grandmother.

Then he died.
And subsequently,
she gave it to me.

l'll always love you.
lt's a great ring, isn't it?
lt's a beautiful ring.
lt's a magical night.
Do you have any objection
to naming a child Vladimir?

Even a girl?
Ask me.
Will you marry me?
Take the weekend if you want.

Would you mind if l took you home?
l've got a terrible headache.
l'm sorry.
