Sudden Impact

Fished out of the bay a month ago.
Her breasts were slashed.
Her feet burned.

Her face smashed to a pulp.
I read about it.
A hooker.

A very expensive one.
In fact, her specialty was making
old scumbags mellow and worldly.

She had a special customer
who said lots of things.

You are a fool, Callahan.
She may have been clever
and written them down.

Maybe she made a copy of it.
Maybe she didn't tell
when she was being tortured.

What will the scumbag's bosses
say when they find out?

Or his family?
Maybe his ass is in a wringer.
You fucking...
Someone help us.
Call an ambulance.
Sorry, inspector, but captain...
What happened?
Someone grabbed their chest.
Must've seen the bill.

Oh, my God.
Stand back, please.
Harry, wait till you see this.
Some stiff got himself
a. 38-caliber vasectomy.

Harry, you don't look so hot.
