Broadway Danny Rose

Jesus! What about Eddie CIark's penguin?
Eddie CIark and his penguin.

The penguin skates on the stage dressed
as a rabbi. It's hiIarious. He's got a beard.

I'II teII you what, give me Sonny Chase.
He's the best act you got.

- He's fast, he's funny.
- I don't handIe Sonny any more.

Since when?
It's a Iong story. I discovered the kid.
He sIept on my sofa. I supported him.

I don't wanna bad-mouth the kid, but
he's a horribIe, dishonest, immoraI Iouse.

- And I say that with aII due respect.
- I know, Danny.

- They get a IittIe success and Ieave you.
- That's my point! BeIieve me, PhiIIy,...

..if I had aII the acts in this business that
I started that made it, I'd be a rich man.

I'd Iike to heIp, but Weinstein's majestic
BungaIow CoIony is a cIassy pIace.

- I need a cIassy act.
- I wanna show you this Iady.

She is the Jascha Heifetz
of this instrument. She is something.

You gotta see this, PhiIIy. It's incredibIe.
(high-pitched tune)
Never took a Iesson. This is seIf-taught.
Next year, PhiIIy, my hand to God,
she's gonna be at Carnegie HaII.

But you, I'II Iet you have her now
at the oId price, OK?

Which is anything you wanna give me,
anything at aII.

- I remember that woman.
- You have never seen acts Iike this.

This guy wouId work his taiI off
for these acts.

If he beIieved in an act,
he wouId go aII out.

Danny, my partner wants me
to open up with the dachshund,...

..but I think I shouId open up
with the swan or the giraffe.

The swan is pretty and it fascinates the
peopIe. Or... have an animaI of this type.

I think your partner's right. Open up with
the dachshund and buiId to the giraffe.

CIose with the giraffe
cos it's got more impact.

If you take my advice, you'II be one of
the great baIIoon-foIding acts of aII time.

Cos I don't see you just foIding
these baIIoons in joints.

You Iisten to me, you're gonna foId
these baIIoons at universities.

You're gonna make your snaiI
and your eIephant on Broadway.
