Sixteen Candles

She's crying for you.
I told her you asked
about her. Right?
The girl freaked.

She had a hissy. She thinks
you're the cat's meow.

She came up to me
in the gym tonight.

She looked at me
like I was a leper.

Girls'll do that, Jake.
You see, they know guys are,
like, in perpetual heat, right?

They know this shit.
And they enjoy pumping us up.

It's pure power politics,
I'm tellin' you.

I thought she hated
my guts.

Games, Jake.
Silly, torturous games.

You know how many times a week
I go without lunch because some
bitch borrows my lunch money?

Any halfway decent girl
can rob me blind!

Because I'm too torqued up
to say no.

It's heinous,
I'm telling you.

You better not be
dickin' me around.

It'd be a major downer
to try and get together...

and find out she really does
think I'm a slime.

Jake, would I dick you?
Let me put it to you this way.
What happens to me
if I dick you?

I'd kick your ass.

Right. So why would I lie?
But I feel compelled
to mention, Jake,

if all you want is a piece
of ass, I mean,

I'll either do it myself,
or get someone bigger than me,

to kick your ass.
I mean, not many girls in contemporary
American society today...

would give their underwear
to help a geek like me.

I can get a piece of ass
anytime I want.

Shit, I got Caroline
in my bedroom right now,
passed out cold.

I could violate her
ten different ways
if I wanted to.

What are you
waiting for?
I don't know.

She's beautiful,
and she's built
and all that.

I'm just not
interested anymore.

Does that really matter, guy?
Yeah, it matters.

She's totally insensitive.
Look what she did
to my house.

She doesn't know shit
about love.

Only thing she cares
about is partying.

I want a serious girlfriend.
Somebody I can love,
that's gonna love me back.

Is that psycho?

That's beautiful, Jake.
