The Sure Thing

Now listen to me, it's very important.
In one swift, deft motion,
you're gonna take it...

pull it up, and then release the cork.
Not the cork, this thing...

and all the beer will slide down
to your throat in two seconds.

-Now wait. Are you sure you're ready?
-I'm ready.

For all you kids watching,
this is very dangerous.

Let's not try this at home, all right?
-Sure you're ready?
-I can't believe I'm doing this.

-It's good for you.
-Mom, forgive me.

Swallow, swallow!
"Danger, Will Robinson!"
-Definite shotgun potential.
-But it went up my nose.

For a beginner,
it's amazing what you just did.

Really nice.
I just remembered, I got to check something.
Listen, tonight I'll sleep on the floor.
-I don't think so.
-I don't want any arguments from you.

I mean, it's only fair.
Last night, I slept on the bed--

Jason, I don't think so. It's gonna take me
a bit longer than I anticipated.

Today's the 19th. Better not expect me...
till the 22nd or 23rd, at the earliest.
Everything's fine. Really.
I'll call you tomorrow.
I miss you, Jason.
I've got this great big bed,
and no one to share it with.

-What are you doing?
-I'm going for a walk.

-It's almost midnight.
-It's too stuffy in here.
