My Stepmother Is an Alien

-I know all I need to know.
-I've already gone through this, Uncle Ron.

She's after your money!
Ron, I don't even have a ball of lint
and a lead slug to rub together.

She's got a trust fund.
She has a trust fund?
You know, I don't get it.
Why does this happen to you?

I know! Citizenship!
She wants citizenship.

She wants to take jobs away from
Americans and give 'em to Dutch people!

Yeah, that's why she's here.
But it's so unfair.
I mean, you know....
It's my own brother marrying
the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

And he met her at my apartment.
Ron, I appreciate your concern.
This is something I really want.
Haven't you wanted something so much
that nothing else mattered?

It's your wedding, I'm gonna tell you.
There's only one woman in the world
that I will ever marry.

Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
I never knew you had a thing for her.
What makes her the lucky lady?

Because she's the most perfect
woman in the world.

She'd have nothing to do with me.
Ron, brush up on your French lessons
and your tennis, maybe it'll happen.

But right now I'm going to marry
my Princess Stephanie. So wish me luck.

You've had too much luck already.
Where did she get a wedding dress
on two hours notice?

Does she just carry one around with her,
in case of emergencies?

I hope so. Now would you go downstairs
and please be best man?

-Uncle Ron, go!
-You wanna see my date? She's 6 foot 2.

Go and tell Celeste it's time.
I'll have to leave you on the chair.
Can't you wear me?
No, I'd look too strange.
I'm so hungry.
Good thing we stopped
at the hardware store.
