Christmas Vacation

Cross my heart.
It's a good idea you came to stay with us.
I love it here. You don't gotta put on
your coat to go to the bathroom.

And your house is always parked
in the same place.

I think you better go back to bed, now.
Okay. How come you ain't sleeping?
I was looking for something.
You didn't notice if a man came here
and delivered a letter today, did you?

Nope. How come?
Just wondering.
Now you get back to bed. Come here.
Are you sure you ain't Santy Claus?
I'm sure.
I can't even afford to be an elf.
I had two containers of K-rations...
two containers...

...and I had Spam until
it was coming out of my ears!

Aren't you having any breakfast?
No. Not in the mood.
What are you looking at?
The silent majesty of a winter's morn.
The clean...

:55:47 chill of the holiday air.
An asshole, in a bathrobe,
emptying a chemical toilet into my sewer.

The shitter was full.
