
I got out in '64.
Resigned my commission.
I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous
to the establishment.

Is that why?
Thas the real question, isn't it? Why?
The how and the who is just scenery
for the public.

Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia...
...keeps them guessing, like a game.
Prevents them from asking
the most important question: why?

Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited?
Who has the power to cover it up? Who?
In 1961...
...right after the Bay of Pigs,
very few people know this...

...I participated in drawing up
National Security Action Memos 55, 56, 57.

These are documents classified top secret.
In them, Kennedy told Gen. Lemnitzer,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs...

...that from here on, the Joint Chiefs
would be wholly responsible...

...for all covert paramilitary action
in peacetime.

This ended the reign of the CIA.
Splintered it into 1,000 pieces,
as JFK promised he would.

And now he was ordering the military...
...to help him do it. Unprecedented!
I can't tell you the shock waves this sent
along the corridors of power.

This and the firing of Allen Dulles...
...Richard Bissell and Gen. Charles Cabell.
All were sacred cows in Intell
since World War II.

They got some very upset people.
Kennedy's directives weren't implemented
because of...

...bureaucratic resistance.
But one of the results was...
...the Cuban operation was turned over
to my department...

...as Operation Mongoose.
Mongoose was pure Black Ops.
It was secretly based at Miami University...
...which has the largest
domestic CIA station...

...budgeted annually for hundreds
of millions of dollars.

Three hundred agents, 7,000 select Cubans.
