Thelma & Louise

Although now...
...Mrs. Dickinson's wanted
in Oklahoma for armed robbery.

No, kiddin'?
We gotta go. I'll call you back, all right?
I don't think you all
are gonna make it to Mexico.

We should talk. Please.
I want to help you.
That J.D. kid is a little shit.
Thelma, how did they know
we're goin' to Mexico, huh?

How did they know that?
You told that thievin' little shit
where we were goin'?

I just told him if he ever got to Mexico,
he should look us up.

But I didn't. I asked him not to tell...
...I thought he would not
tell anybody, you know.

-I didn't think he'd tell anybody.

Why? What's he to lose?
Except my life's savings.

Thelma, goddamn it!
Look, I'm sorry, I mean--
Oh, goddamn it, Thelma!
Up until now we had
only two things going for us.

No one knew where we were
or where we were goin'.

Now one of the things goin' for us is gone!
Look, Thelma, you just gotta stop
talkin' to people.

You gotta stop bein' so open.
We're fugitives now, right?

Let's start behavin' like that.
You're right.
-Thank you.

-I was wondering--
-Listen, little boy.

Of course I want you to go.
That's what's worrying you.
Please, don't think--

I wasn't worrying about that.
I knew you'd want me to take the job--
Let's get married.
