Let's face it, you're a hot property.
Do you remember Julie Redlund?
Sure, I remember Julie Redlund.
What happened to her?
She lives in Battery Park.
Safe behind the palisades of power.
She's an exec at
the McCandless Corporation.
Only the biggest company in the world.
They own everything.
I must reach her. I must see her.
That is the truth.
You must reach her.
They're not going for it.
We should try for the mineral rights.
Your try could kill the whole deal.
We're talking about 3 billion.
That's worth playing cards for.
Besides, I think they're
ready to fold.
I want it taken off the table.
Why don't they return to the table?
We will sign.
The mineral rights are yours.
Mr. McCandless is waiting
for your call.
You drive a hard bargain.
Pity we don't have more lI ke you.
Perhaps we would have
won the trade war.