Noises Off...

at the dress rehearsal,
as soon as the curtain went up.

As soon as the damned phone rang
and Dotty came on with the sardines.

Hold on! Hold your horses!
Oh, Lord love a duck!
Shut up! I'm on my way.

It's no good you going on. I can't
open sardines and answer the phone.

I've only got one pair of feet. Hello?
Yes, but there's no one here, love...
No, Mr Brent's not here.

He lives here, yes, but not now
because he lives in Spain.

Yes, Philip Brent, who writes plays,
only now he writes them in Spain.

She's in Spain, too. They all are.
Am I in Spain? No, I'm not in Spain.
I look after the house for them.

Only I go home at one on Wednesdays,
so that's where I am.

No, because I've got a nice plate
of sardines to put my feet up with.

And they've got colour here, and it's
the know, the horse race.

Where's the paper?
If it's about letting the house,
you'll have to ring the house agents.

Squire, Squire, Hackham and...
Who's the other one?

No, they're next to the phone
in the study.

Squire, Squire, Hackham and...
Hold on! I'll go and look.

As soon as you take
the weight off your feet,

down it all comes on your head.
And I take the sardines...
No, I leave the sardines...

No, I take the sardines.
You leave the sardines
and you hang up the phone.

Yes, right. I hang up the phone.
- And you leave the sardines.
- I leave the sardines?

You leave the sardines.
I hang up the phone
and I leave the sardines?
