Shuang long hui

You sick? You brought me here.
The room is very pretty.

When did we turn out to be so close?
In the room today.
Room? You and him in a room?
Why do you react like this?
You're acting?

What have I done?
What has he done?
Didn't you know what you've done?
Must remind you always.
His involvement is also my involvement.
I just want to see whether you remember.
Did you say to buy me
a Tarzan video tape?

When did Tarzan make a video tape?
Oh no!
Hey! It's Bok Min.
Bok Min?

Come out. Been looking for you.
I'm not Bok Min. You made a mistake.
I took the wrong one; this phone is his.
Fooling around again!
You can't even remember
what you have done?

You damn fool,
always do things similar to mine.

I'll check with you later.
Hello, Bok Min?
I'm inside, where are you?
I'm outside.
Come in quick. I have to protect her.
Hey, this place is full of danger...
I can't come in now.
You come out and help me explain, OK?
I will if I can.
But I really can't come out.
Right now, I'm...

Damn it. Battery's out.
You wait for me,
I'll change the telephone.

It'll be late.
Won't be long.

Wai is looking for me. Don't go away.
This way, Mr. Ma!
Changed the telephone?
Been waiting for you!

Why is Wai waiting for me in the car?

It's almost time, don't fool around.
Start the car!

Start the car? Where to go?
The concert.
