In weiter Ferne, so nah!

Except most of your business
has nothing to do with movies!

Something's fishy.
I've kept
a record of expenses.

Give me a call, Mr. Baker,
or send me a postcard.

I may send you a cement block
and a chain foryour neck.

Mazeltov, Mr. Becker.
Lousy luck to you!
Charge it to Mr. Tony Baker.
Ha! " Lousy Luck"!

In Berlin, after the Wall
It's very nice
It's paradise
I should take notes.
I knew it.

I had this great line last night.
I thought I'd never forget it,
and now I have.

It's gone.
What was it about?

What did I do last night?
I was in the car.
I drove down the street.
