Point of No Return

"I never did mind...
"...about the little things."
Chin up. Shoulders back.
Have some pride in yourself.
Show me.
Yes, Maggie.
Better. Good.
"I lie down for a nap today.
"Yesterday I lay down for a nap.
"If something unfortunate happens,
I feel bad--"

Louder, please.
"I feel 'bad' about it, not 'badly.'
'Bad' is an adjective.

"Remember to say, 'It is a secret
between her and me.' Not, 'she and I."'

Turn it down, will you?
Please, turn it down.

People are beginning to complain.
Why don't you use the headset I got you?

'Cause they're crappy.
You know, you....
This is Nina Simone.
You got it for me, remember?
She wants sugar in her bowl?
No, she's saying:
"Baby, just stick it in me twice a day,
and I'll do anything for you.

"I'll lick the ground you walk on."
Why do you talk so dirty?
Why do you talk so faggy?
So, how is it going?
Man, I'm so majorly bored.
Think I'm going crazy. Started talking
to myself and all kinds of stuff.
