Cabin Boy

[ Captain ]

Now, heel and toe.
[ Men Laughing ]
[ Chuckles ]

- [ Grunting ]
- [ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]

What a bunch of lunkheads.
Trina! Oh.
Oh, Trina, I'm so glad you decided
to join us. I was just putting on...

- a show for the fellas.
- So this is what
you guys do for fun?

- Yeah. [ Laughing ]
- Humiliate an imbecile?

Sure he's clumsy and he's stupid
and he's a screwup,

but you don't have to
treat him like an animal.

Funny you should
mention screwups,

because an hour ago,
I made the mistake of using
your swimming diary to light the stove.

- [ Men Laughing ]
- I've been keeping that diary,
for 15 years, you ape!

- Dance, boy, dance!
- ΒΆΒΆ [ Resumes ]

All right. Hold him tonight.
just one bear cub to you.

[ Chuckling ]
[ Banging On Ship ]
- What the hell's that?
- [ Banging ]

I'm afraid to say it.
Chocki. He must of sensed
we were kind of debasing the kid
a little bit. Now, he's pissed.

If he opens up that hole
any wider, we're all gonna be
bunkin' on the bottom tonight.

We gotta throw that kid overboard.
Wait a second.
Maybe there's a way out of this.

Let her rip.
[ Splashing ]
There goes your little buddy
Nathanial, Chocki!

Go play with him.
Play nice.
