Pulp Fiction

You believe I saw him, don't you?
Yes, sir, I do.
Duddits loves me, I know that.
He loves us all.

He would die before
he'd ever hurt us.

So why was he calling me
into the street to get hit?

Maybe there's more to the story
we don't get yet.

- You don't know shit.
- Name it!

I'll name it after we come up
with a small wager.

- 50 bucks.
- What's the subject?

In the movies, when people
wake up together...

...they immediately start kissing
and going at it.

But they never get up first, take a leak
and brush their goddamn teeth.

Which is pretty much necessary
when you wake up.

What's it called when
you got a constant woody?

- You mean priapism.
- See? I'm practically priasmic.

- Whatever! It's hard.
- That's what you're betting on?

No, I can name the one movie where
they acknowledge the scuzzy facts of life.

- I'll give you a quarter.
- A quarter from you. 50 bucks from you.

- Promised Land.
- Promised Land? Never heard of it.

Meg Ryan and what's his name?
Reefer Sutherland.

- Kiefer.
- From, I don't know,1988 or something?

So Meg Ryan wakes up in the morning
and says, "Where's the cat?"

And he says, "What cat?" And she says,
"The cat that shit in my mouth."

That will be 50 small.
- Bullshit! You made it up.
- Could Beaver make that up?

You can have that priceless piece
of cinematic trivia absolutely free.

I'm filing that in the "Who-gives-a-shit"
section of my memory warehouse.

- What's the memory warehouse?
- You don't remember?

- I must've forgot.
- You forgot?

- Just remind me. Don't give me shit.
- It's in his head. We've all got one.
