
Freeze! Give it up!
You're out of options!

Through dedication and bravery,
these next two officers...

effected the rescue
of 13 citizens of this city.

Thanks to them, the only life taken
by the terrorist's bomb was his own.

You shot me.
I can't believe it.

They're giving you a medal
for shooting me, you little prick.

Harry, you told me to.
The Medal of Valor is the highest honor for
a member of Los Angeles Police Department.

Officer Harry Temple.
Officer Jack Traven.
Way to go, Jack.
Way to go.

- There we go. There we go.
- Harry, my man.

Oh, beautiful.
A toast to me.

- Make me feel good about myself.
- There you go.

Hey, Sandy! Here we go!
Okay, so how we do...

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I need a bib!
Here we go. All right.
- You can't take me anywhere.
- That's mine.

And here is to Harry.
For his quick thinking,
for his grace
under pressure...

and for his brave
and selfless act.
