Die Hard: With a Vengeance

The first man there is Methias Targo.
Was Hungarian army.

Explosives expert. Now we believe
he's working for the lranians.

- Working?
- Freelance terrorism, by contract.

- Who's the girl?
- Targo's other half.

Rumour is the lsraelis slipped a bomb
in between their sheets.

Uh, he wasn't at home,
but they think maybe they got her.

The second man was an obscure colonel
in the East German army.

He ran an infiltration unit.
The kind of thing the Nazis did
at the Battle of the Bulge.

- English-speaking troops--
- Yeah, yeah, I saw the movie.

All we know of him is the G.D.R. medical
records show he suffers from migraines.

His name is Peter Krieg.
Well, that is
an exceptional report, fellas.

Now do you wanna tell me
what the hell this has to do with me?

The name Gruber mean anything
to you, Lieutenant?

- It rings a bell, yeah.
- L.A.

- What?
- That thing in the building in L.A.

Peter Krieg was born...
Simon Peter Gruber.
He's Hans Gruber's brother.
- Oh, shit.
- Yeah, it's that thing in L.A.

We figure he's got you
fitted up for a toe tag...

and he's gonna do anything
to get it tied.

lnspector, it's him!

Don't let him know we're here.
- Simon.
- Inspector.

Now, who from the FBI
is in the van, I wonder?

Let's see.
Almost certainly Cross.

- Come on, Andrew. Say hello.
- Hello.

And I know you never run alone,
so say hello, Bill.

Still trying to butch up
by chewing on your glasses, huh?

This, gentlemen, as they say,
is where the plot thickens.
