Bottle Rocket

Boy, that guy was
a real chatterbox, wasn't he?

I didn't think he was ever gonna
stop with the story. Jesus!

That's what I call
a language barrier.

- I need to take it easy.
- Amigo, you just cheated!

Okay! I'm calling my gang!
It's just a little frustrating
when you guys talk so easily.

God, you know, I can't believe the guy
just decided to jump you like that.

- Can you pass me those french fries?
- Yeah.

Dignan, you know I was right out
in front of the place with Inez.

If you don't mind,
I'd rather not relive it.

Don't really feel
much like talking about it.

In fact, the only thing I feel like
is getting the fuck out of this town.

Yeah. We need a car, I think.
I have an idea for that.
Inez has a master key
to all the rooms, doesn't she?

Doesn't she?
I don't think we can do that.
I know we can.
It's real simple.

We go into another room,
take some car keys--

It's not even
a possibility, okay?

Then we're gonna
have to hot-wire a car...

and this idea
I don't back down from.

- This idea--
- Inez, let's go outside.

- Jerry's not--
- How are you, Jerry?

I feel great, Inez.
He's under the weather
a little bit.

- So, l--
- Bye.

I kind of gotta take care of him
for a few minutes.
