Happy Gilmore

Ever since I was oId enough to skate,
I Ioved hockey.

I wasn´t reaIIy
the greatest skater.

But that didn´t keep my dad
from teaching me...

...the secret of making
a great sIap shot.

My dad worshipped hockey.
My mom didn´t.

So she moved to Egypt, where there´s
not a hockey rink within 1500 miIes.

Dad took me to games
to see our favorite pIayer...

...Terry O´ReiIIy,
""The Tasmanian DeviI"".

He wasn´t a big guy,
but he feared nobody, just Iike me.

Handsome feIIow, huh? He said
when I grew up, I couId be anything.

But aII I ever wanted to be
was a hockey pIayer.

My chiIdhood was going great,
but Iife is fuII of surprises.

After the funeraI, I was sent to Iive
with my grandma in Waterbury.

I was nervous,
since I didn´t know her that weII.

She dressed Iike Gene Simmons
from KISS to cheer me up.

She´s the sweetest person
in the worId.

After my dad died,
I deveIoped a short fuse.

That kid stoIe my party bIower.
Instead of asking for it back,
I hit him in the head repeatedIy...

with a hammer.
Most of the time, I was quick to say
I was sorry.

Years Iater, I pIayed junior hockey
and stiII hoId two Ieague records...

...most time spent
in a penaIty box...

...and I was the onIy guy to ever try
to stab someone with his skates.

After I graduated, I had
a Iot of different jobs.

I was a road worker...
...a janitor...
