
Call the airport.
Where are we goin´?
Mexico. Guadalajara.
David, this is Tom. Uh, fuel up the jet.
I´m going to Guadalajara.

Yeah, well, something came up.
I´m on my way to the bank now.

- ls the kidnapper with you?
- Absolutely.

l´ll explain everything later.
Give Katie a call. Bye.

Antone, get me the Mullen house.
Sean, what´s the matter, honey?
Come here.
Taxi! Taxi!
Stay on my right.
What are you guys doin´?
You can´t park there.

Oh, we´re just goin´
to the bank. Five minutes.

- Shaker?
- Yeah.

- How you doin´, Jimmy?
- How are ya?

- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah? You too.

- How you doin´, Mr Mullen?
Good to meet you.
- Hey.

Just wanna shake your hand, boss.
You made us proud.

- Well, you know, just doin´ the job.
- Yeah.

What do you think
of this guy, Mr Mullen?

- Well, what can I say? He´s the man.
- Yeah!

- Okay, guys, uh, take it easy.
- Later, Jimbo.
- Okay.

- You guys take it easy now.
- All right.
- You guys not gonna be long, right?

- No, just five minutes.
- No, no, no.
- No problem.

Mr Mullen,
what a pleasant surprise.

- Uh, have I still got any money
in this bank? I have to do
some business with Mr Shaker here.
- Yes.

- This is Michael.
- Mr Shaker, of course. Right this way.
