The Frighteners

El 10 de marzo, 1970,
Nina Kulagina, usando la mente...

...detuvo el corazón de una rana.
El archivo de ese experimento
se conserva actualmente...

...en los expedientes del
Prof. Sergeyev, en San Petersburgo.

Sergeyev analizó el cardiograma
y halló...

...que había aumentado
la actividad eléctrica del corazón.

Había sufrido una implosión...
...simplemente porque
Nina Kulagina quiso matarlo.

Yo no mato personas.
Una parte de ti se lo cree.
Pero tienes otra parte, Frank...
...que está fuera de control.
Tu impulso destructor.
He visto una figura encapotada.
La he visto meter la mano en
el pecho y apretar los corazones.

She was the first.
Ray Lynskey.
You argue with him,
3 hours later he's dead.

We know you didn't like
Magda Rees-Jones.

But what about the guy in the toilet?
What did he do to you, Frank?
Piss on your Hush Puppies?
Why are you shaking?
Oh, my.
My, my. You're doing it right now,
aren't you?

You're trying to kill me, right now.
Well, forget it, Bannister.
I'm wearing a lead breastplate!
We have 28...
unexplained deaths here.
You know what I think?
I think you...

are involved in each
and every one of them!
