Tieta do Agreste

Call me aunty,
like everyone else.

Whatever you say, sis,
but take me with you.

And do what? Betray Ramiro
and become a whore?

Did you hurt yourself?
This blue mark?
I hurt myself in Mangue Seco.

Poor girl.
I wanna do something
for my nephews, Perpétua.

They have nothing to do
with what you've done to me.

I agree.
I'll pay for Peto's education
until he graduates.

As Cardo's seminary is free,
I'll open him an account.

I might take one of them
to Sao Paulo.

He can get his
a education there.

Does the Colonel know you
wanna make the plant here?

And that it'll destroy
the palm trees?

Litter the ocean
with toxic waste...

poison the air, the river
and kill all the crabs?

I swear I didn't know
all about this.

To be honest...
I never knew what
titanium dioxide was.

But the press may be

How can we trust you
if you lied to us?

I did that for the progress
of our land, for Agreste.

No. You did that for Leonora.
Leonora has nothing
to do with this.

The rich heiress
in Sao Paulo.

I saw your despair
at Zé Esteve's funeral...

when Tieta took you
to the gate.
