Un air de famille

Today at the office?
I was tired.
I wasn't in the mood.

He started screaming.
I couldn't help it.
I suddenly exploded.

I said: "You may be my boss,
but you can't talk that way.

Speak to me nicely."
I didn't back down.
Believe me,
he was pretty surprised.

You said that?
I wish I'd been there.
Arlette just called.
Time flew by. She's with a friend.
Yakking away?
It'll be at least 20 minutes.
Go ahead. I'll meet you there.

Does she know we're waiting?
I told her, Mom. Over and over.
Could there be a door open?
It's warm, Yoyo.
I'm starving.
Exactly! Go on, get going!
I'll meet you there.

I'd prefer it
if you started eating.

Is something wrong, Riri?
Nothing! Cut the "Riri" crap!
You do it on purpose?

Sorry, it slipped out.
Do I call you Fifi?
Calm the hell down!
We'll take our things and go.
Don't start fighting!

It's Yoyo's birthday!
Let's get our things.

I don't intend to fight.
That's what I said.
Betty, you didn't get carried away?
You weren't violent?

At the office.
No, not especially.
Because you can be pretty...
Not especially.
Betty, can I talk to you?
Sure. Go ahead.
I overheard what your mother said
about your boyfriend.

It really touched me.
What touched you?
I didn't know
I meant so much to you.
