Arlington Road

Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Here we are leaving the church.

Everyone thought we were
going to Mexico.

- Where were you going?
- We were going there...

but the plane
never left the ground.

Some kind of engine trouble.
Couldn't leave till morning, so we spent
the night at the Wichita Airport Motel.

How romantic!
- Well, for $19, it was wonderful.
- How long you two been married?

- Well, 12 years in August.
- What kind of example is that?

Well, I don't think we learn
responsibility from politicians.

We really learn it from family.
It's the people that we care about.
- It's what they care about.
- He died when I was a teenager.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Farm accident.
-Where would you say you get yours from?
-My what? My values?

- Probably from my wife.
- Values?

What values?
Michael and I were talking about
where you get your values from...

and we were both saying
it's mostly from family.

Well, where else you gonna get 'em?
Celebrities? Politicians?

Not in this century.
I just think it's...
a sorry state of aftairs when you can't
find a role model to cast your vote for.

It's not even role models,

It's just people who acknowledge
the consequences of their actions.

Or pay for those actions. I think we
should put some politicians in jail.

You can't ask government
to be intallible.

You just can't.
But you can ask it to be accountable.

I can ask it to be honest.
You know, when Leah died...
all I wanted was someone...
to tell me,
"We made a mistake."

You know?
"We made a mistake.
