Beresina oder Die letzten Tage der Schweiz

But I've got a lot
of these papers.

No, no, that little step was too big.
Go back half a step.

But not all of them.
And now take...
a great big, slow step forward

until I say stop.
No, lots of people have
such papers for the bank.

My wife, children,
brothers and sisters, for example.

Just as with us,
the family is very important.

And now, Irina, sweetie.
Very, very, very slowly,

one very big step
as if you wanted
to stride across a very big rock.

I believe the family is
the most important thing in life.

- The family and the country.
- Stop!

Stay where you are!
That's it!

It gives people a feeling
of security and peace.

Family and country.
My family's good, but the country...

Leave your little feet
just where they are,

but turn both toes
slowly to the right until I say stop.

To the right,
until I say stop.
That's why I'm changing it.
Slowly. Stop!
My new country is here.
Here it's like a big family.
Everybody is helpful.
Since I've been here,
people can't do enough to help me.

They all give me presents
and are kind to me.

Herr Direktor!
