
Hello there.
So Ray met the family, huh?
Oh, yeah.
I heard the dog really liked him.
Yeah. The whole family loved him.
But of course, my whole family really
loved the last guy I went out with,

and he strung me along
for a year and then dumped me.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

And, you know, every guy
I ever broke up with,

the minute is over,
I could tell you what went wrong.

How it went wrong.
Why it had to go wrong.

But when I'm in it,
I'm like a love coroner!
Bring me the corpse,
I'll tell you what killed it.

But how to prevent it? Lost.
Hi! I'm Ray Pekurny!
I'm from here in San Francisco,
the greatest city in the world.

- Are you with me?
- Yeah!

Go, Niners!
How are things goin'?
Okay, I want to introduce you
to my girlfriend.

She's really cute, she's really cool,
and she's... really strong.
She's a U.P.S. Person.
She lifts packages. Not beefy.

She told me this joke. What do you get
when you cross U.P.S. With Fed Ex?

Fed up! Is her joke.
Oh, my brother, my brother.
Ed, yeah, come on.

- Say somethin', Ed.
- Asshole!

- Come on, man. Say somethin'.
- All right.

I don't know about this whole 24-hour
TV thing y'all got goin',

- but if you are gonna go forward
with it, this is your man.
- Smart guy.

The Ray-man here.
This guy's got stories.

- This guy has lived.
- I've got stories. I've lived!

- Tell 'em about that dog grooming
business you started.
- No, not that story.

- You gotta tell 'em about that.
- No, I don't really wanna...
