The Story of Us

Mommy, I need a drink of water!
I'II be right there!
you wanna know why
I don't taIk to you?

you treat me Iike I'm a big pain
in the ass that gets in the way...

...of what otherwise wouId be
a normaI, organized Iife!

Have you ever thought that
everything isn't aIways about you?

Maybe I'm tired! Maybe I'm deaIing
with 5000 things aII day Iong!

Maybe every need you have
doesn't have to be met...

:19:24 the exact moment
you need it to be met!

God, we have actuaI kids here, Ben.
I am not a third chiId!
I am not taIking about having
each of my needs met!

I'm taIking about a connection!
A Iook! Something that says
that we're on the same side here!

Why don't you taIk
to your girIfriend?

I'm sure she can heIp us
get back on the same side.

To have a happy marriage is to accept
the chasm between men and women.

Which is?
He can mend a fight with sex.
She can't have sex
untiI the fight's resoIved.

Why is that?
It's the difference between
the penis and the vagina.

A penis is a thruster,
a battering ram, if you wiII.

Even if it's mad, it can ram.
Sometimes it even heIps.

It's the "mad-ram principIe. "
However, the vagina... .

The vagina!
The vagina has to be reIaxed
in order to open and receive.

It can't be a gracious hostess
in a state of anger.

That goes for bIowjobs
and kissing too.

Every femaIe point of entry needs
to know that the penis is coming...

:20:35 peace.
-Do you have Sweet'N Low?
-Is EquaI okay?

I've always felt no matter what
we were going through...

:20:48 matter how painful things got...
...if our feet found each other
under the blankets...

...even just the slightest

:20:55'd tell us we'd entered
the demilitarized zone...

... that we were gonna be okay,
that we were still an "us. "
