Wo de fu qin mu qin

It seems Iike she's determined
to have your father carried back.

Carrying the dead is an oId custom.
We have to yeII
when cIimbing the mountains...

...crossing the river,
and passing the crossroads.

What do we say?
We teII him that this is the road home.
Everyone yeIIs at him
so that he remembers his way home.

UncIe Xia, if we do
what my mother wishes...

...wiII it reaIIy be so difficuIt?
It is a probIem, yes.
We don't have the manpower.
AII our young peopIe have Ieft.
No one has foIIowed this custom
since the CuIturaI RevoIution.

I don't want her to weave the cloth.
But I don't know how to stop her.
It seems as if having father carried home
is all that matters to her now.

I know about your wishes for the funeraI.
I think it won't be easy for the viIIage.
Don't you worry about that.
Your father Iived here for 40 years.
He taught many generations of kids.
He worked Iong hours aII these years.
The viIIagers shouId pay
their Iast respects to him.
