Billy Elliot

I think we better
go inside.

This might be
difficult for you,

but today Billy missed
a very important audition.

For the Royal Ballet School.
The Royal Ballet?
School. It's where
they teach the ballet.

You've got to be joking.
No, I'm perfectly serious.
Have you any idea
of what we're going through?

I've been in
a fucking cell
all night,

and you come around here
talking shite!

And you!
Fucking ballet!

What are you trying to do,
make him a fucking skirt
for the rest of his life?

Look at him!
He's only 11 , for fuck's sake!

- You've gotta start trainin'
from when you're young.
- Shut it!

I'm not having any brother
of mine running around like
a twat for your gratification.

Excuse me.
This is not for my gratification.

What good's it gonna do him?
You're not taking him away.

He's only a bairn. What about
giving him a childhood?

I don't want a childhood.
I want to be a ballet dancer.

What do you know about it?
What qualifications
have you got?

I haven't come here
to defend myself.

For all we know,
you could be some fucking nutter.

Get the fucking Social
on to you.

- You should calm
yourself down, son.
- You say he can dance.

Well, go on, then.
Let's see
this fucking dancing.

- This is ridiculous.
- If you're a fuckin'
ballet dancer,

then let's be having you!
- Don't you dare!
- What sort of a teacher
are you, eh?

He's got the chance to dance.
Now you're fuckin'
telling him not to.

Dance, you little twat!
So piss off.

He's not doing any more
fucking ballet,
