Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins

What's to keep the princess
from ending up like Warp?

Yeah, well, maybe it's the princess
keepin' you from endin' up like Warp.

Okay, hello?
The princess has a name!

Yeah, I'm sorry, Prince...
Mira, I work alone.

So you're gonna stop
Zurg all by yourself?

- That's the general plan.
- But regulations clearly state that...

I know regulations!
I wrote half of them!

But as long as Zurg
is gunnin' for me...

anybody close to me is gonna
get caught in the cross fire.

Noted. But Buzz, there's
one thing you should know.

- Yes, sir?
- You are not going out there
without backup!

I'm sorry, Commander, but from now on,
Buzz Lightyear flies solo.

All personnel clear the launch bay.
Star cruiser 36
prepare for launch.

Crystallic fusion modules
needed on pad 14.

- Hello.
- I'm just cleaning the floor and stuff.

- Clean is good.
- Oh, that's just what I thought.
- Rocket away.

All personnel may return
to the launch bay.

Wow! An Andromeda-class
star cruiser!

Ambassador escort patrol
is scheduled for launch at 0900.

This is just too cool.
You there! The launch bay
is for authorized personnel only!

I was just, um...
ugh... l... Oh, man!

Just like I figured.
Guess what, pal. You're through.

He's not through
till I say so.

- Captain Lightyear.
- Buzz!

Ah, space dust.
This place is filthy...

and it goes right
to the subatomic level.

That's why this young man
is in here with his molecular mop.

- Carry on, custodian.
- Oh, yes, sir.
