Coyote Ugly

- Getin the car.
Oh, I hate to spoil
your evening, but it looks like we're not gonna go anywhere.

Oh, my God.
It's hard to find parking
in New York.

You ever eaten Turkish?
This is the place.

- Hey. How you doin'?
- Hi, Kevin.

- Four of the regular?
- Sure, yeah. Hey.

- Hey, Kevin. How are you, man?
- How you doin', man? Good.

Here it is, man.
Flown in from Miami.

- Check out the merchandise.
- Hey, man, no. I trust you.

Allright, allright.
Look, uh, I don't know
what you're into, but--

The Amazing Spider-Man,
number 129, mint condition.

- Worth a thousand bucks.
- A comic book.

No, it's not just a comic book.
This is the first appearance of the Punisher.

This is the holy grail
of comic books.

- You collect comic books.
That's so cute. - Yeah.

It's not cute.
It's very rugged and manly.

- It's just a bit kinky. Huh?
- I think it's sweet.

So, do you always eat breakfast
on the hood of your car?

What can I say?
I'm a romantic.

You think this
is romantic?

Well, you may not be feeling it now,
but I think one day...

-you'll be on stage singing
a song about this very night. - Mmm.

"When We Were Downwind
From a Trash Barge."

Yeah. Catchy title.
Hum a few bars.

Sorry to disappoint you,
but I'm a songwriter, not a singer.

When I get on stage,
I freeze.

What if the fate of the free world
rested on your voice?

Okay. If the fate of the free
world depended on me singing,

All I ever really wanted
is to sit in the dark...

and hear someone great
singing my songs.

I wanna be the one
who writes the music.
