Fa yeung nin wa

Don't brood on it,
maybe he'll be back soon.

What about you?
Actually, we're in the same boat.
But l don't brood on it.
lt's not my fault.
l can't waste time
wondering if l made mistakes.

Life's too short for that.
Something must change.
So what's your plan?
l want to write
a martial-arts serial.

Actually, l've started one.
l'll show it to you.

You like them too,
so why not help me write it?

l wouldn't know how,
l only read them!

We could discuss it together.
Alright, l'll try my best.
l never thanked you
for the sesame syrup.

There's no need,
l was making it anyway.

Amazing! l was craving
for some sesame syrup that day.

Really? What a coincidence!
lt really was!
l'll go for those noodles.
