Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

The German trains
had great big windows...

...and my father pulled that
all the way down...

:35:05 l could be leaning out of the window.
He hugged and kissed me.
I couId see my father´s face getting...
...whiter and whiter.
l thought, ´´l only hope nothing
is going to happen to him. ´´

He looked so terribly, terribly pale.
My poor mother
was getting worse and worse.

l couldn´t wait for the train to go because...
...l didn´t want to remember that.
The guy came...
...and he waved the signal.
When the train started to go...
:35:38 father says, "´PupeIa!
Let me hoId your hands! "´

And I heId my hands and said,
"´I have to Iet go! I have to Iet go! "´

"´No! I don´t want you to go!
I don´t want you to go! "´

And we were aIready....
My father couIdn´t waIk very fast...

...because he waIked with a cane.
We went a IittIe bit more...

...and he took me by my hands...
...and he puIIed me out of the window.
And I feII.
I couId have faIIen in-between...
...the pIatform and the train.
There was onIy a smaII amount of space.

I didn´t, but I got hurt and I was bIeeding...
...and I was devastated.
AbsoIuteIy devastated.
And my father was in seventh heaven...
...that he had his IittIe PupeIa,
his IittIe girI, back.

The parting was terrible.
That´s the one thing l have never...
...forgotten in all my life.
And she had been so controlled.
She´d always been...
...a sort of solid...
:36:44 to us.
And suddenly she showed her feelings...
...and it was terrifying, really terrifying.
We saw this face...
...which showed aII the hurt...
...and agony she´d been through.
