Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

No, no, no!
You see something?
See anything?

FucK, man, l had
a horrible dream.

Yo, man, l`m hungry.
Where can we get some breaKfast?

CHORUS: Who`s a friend to
the king of all the monkeys

{Cow moos}
{``Mooby the Golden Calf``
plays indistinctly}

Ooh, checK that shit out,
man, the lnternet.

Let`s see if those fucKs
wrote something new...

about us and that
stupid-ass flicK.

{Gunshot on computer}
{Mouse button clicKs}
``Any movie based
on Jay and Silent Bob...

``are gonna licK balls...
``because they both,
in fact, licK balls.``

lt`s time
we wrote something bacK.

Type this shit down.
All you motherfucKers
are gonna pay.

You all are the ones
who are the ball-licKers.

We`re gonna fucK
your mothers while you watch...

and cry liKe
little whiny bitches.

Once we get to Hollywood
and find those Miramax fucKs...

who is maKin` the movie...
we`re gonna maKe them
eat our shit...

then shit out our shit...
and then eat their shit
that`s made up of our shit...

that we made `em eat.
And then all you motherfucKs
are next.

Love, Jay and Silent Bob.
{Gunshot on computer}
JA Y: That`ll show those fucks.
Now we can eat
our Egg-a-Mooby Muffin...

then get bacK on the road...
go to Hollywood,
and stop those fucKs...

from maKin` that movie.
No more hairy-bush nuns,
no more dogs.

We Keep our eye on the prize
and let nothing...

and l mean nothing,
distract us.

{Cow moos}
Holy shit.
Your love is like bad medicine

Bad medicine is what l need
Whoa oh oh, shake it up
