Josie and the Pussycats

Like he's really
gonna call the cops.

This is impossible.
Where the hell
am I supposed to find a--

Hello, ladies.
Wyatt Frame, MegaRecords.

Girls, I can't tell you
how happy I am
to be sitting...

at this table
with the Pussy Hats.

Yes, of course. Of course,
that would explain why
you're not wearing any.

Okay, I speak on behalf
of everyone at the label...

when I say that we'd love for
you to sign with... MegaRecords.

Whoa, wait, whoa.
Don't sign anything.
Don't sign anything.

- Who is this?
- Alexander Cabot Ill.
I'm the Pussycats' manager.

Really? In that case,
you'll be entitled to 15%
of everything they make.

-I'm his sister, Alexandra.
Love the accent.
-Thank you.

I used to summer on the continent.
Fancy a snog?

Fancy a mint?
Wait a minute.
You want to sign us?
You've never even heard us play.

Oh! Oh, oh.
I'm sorry. Forgive me.

I thought you were a rock band
that wanted to sign with
a major label. My bad.

- No, no, no!
- No!

No. No. It's--
I didn't know it could
happen this fast.

Well, that's the music biz
for you. If you wait for it to
slow down, it might pass you by.

Look what happened
to the Beastie Boys.
