Kort en lang, En

Well, I'm going to lose an eye.
On the other hand I wasn't
really using it for anything.

Jørgen ...
- Caroline.

You should leave.
I need some shut-eye.
See you.
What happened?
- I don't know. It's a real fuck-up.

I mean Jørgen. Whywas he out
in the middle of the night?

You didn't tell him, did you?
Did you, Jacob?
That wasn't why he went off ...?
- I didn't tell him. He asked me.

You didn't tell him, did you?
- No, I didn't.

You didn't bloody tell him, did you?
He guessed, Caroline.
That's the first part of the trilogy.
You needn't botherwith the others.

Do I need to read this one?
Are you covered for painkillers?
I've brought you a funny hat
for New Year's Eve.

Right, I'll be off. I have to go
entertain up in the children's ward.

Tell me if there's anything I can do.
- We will.

There's more stuff in the bag.
Happy New Year.
If it's going to be a happy one.
- Champagne?

No thanks, I'm not thirsty.
