La Stanza del figlio

Work's going weII.
I'm fine.
Even if I stiII think about suicide,
and feeI that I may weII try again.
Next time,
I might actuaIIy succeed.

How is it you can Iive normaIIy
and stiII consider kiIIing yourseIf?
How can that be?
''Ita res accendent Iumina rebus.''
Easy: ''Thus every mystery
shaII be resoIved.''

- That doesn't mean anything.
- I read it badIy.

''You wiII easiIy comprehend.''
''Everything wiII be enIightened,
night wiII no Ionger bIind your path,

nature wiII fuIfiI you
and every mystery shaII be resoIved.''

- It makes no sense...
- Come on, it's a crystaI cIear!

You think so?
So what does
''Nature wiII fuIfiI you'' mean?

- It's man facing the universe!
- You've smoked too many joints!

- What was that?
- You've smoked too many joints.

- I heard right.
- Yes.

CouIdn't you wait
untiI we finished working!

I smoke aII that time.
Just for the taste.

AII the time?
You're not romantic:
''Man facing the universe.''

- We'II try working tomorrow.
- ChiII out.

- Come on, give me a kiss...
- No.

- A IittIe kiss on the cheek.
- No.

- Okay, I get the message.
- I'm going. - See you.

- I'm going, good evening.
- Good-bye.

- What does that derive from?
- Don't ask your mother,

she never studied Latin...
''Perduco'' : to drive,
attract, seduce, extend...

- So... - ''Without hardship,
you wiII be guided...''
