Not Another Teen Movie

-Down the haII, on your Ieft.
-Sweet, dude.

For the thousandth time, I said,
``SwaIIow that thing.``

Am I right?
How couId PrisciIIa dump me,
Jake WyIer?

Who does she think she is?
I got two words for you, Jake:
Prom queen, materiaI.
Austin, she`s an iIIusion.
You take away the makeup,
the cIothes...

...the way she wears her hair,
the smeII of her perfume...

...that cute face she makes
when she`s tonguing my baIIs....

Look, she`s repIaceabIe.
Given the right Iook,
the right boyfriend...

-...any girI couId be prom queen.
-I smeII a bet.

Jakey, Jakey,
about to make a big...

I`II pick the most
hopeIess girI at this schooI...

...and I`II bet that you
can`t turn her into prom queen.

You`re on, Austin.
I`II bet you Iose that bet...
...but Iearn a much more
vaIuabIe Iesson, and win.

In Iife, that is.
You`re both on.
AII right.
Let`s find you a prom queen,
Mr. Let`s-Find-Me-A-Prom-Queen.

What about her?
Baby`s got back.
Hunch, that is.

No, way too easy.
-I have no pigment
-Any girI with a guitar is hot.

I need sunscreen
Even a hippie aIbino.
She couId be prom queen.

What about the FrateIIi sisters?
So they`re sIightIy disfigured
and connected.

But combined, those two make up
one pretty decent chick.

-I`d do them!
-I know, Reggie Ray.

I`m Iooking for somebody
reaIIy messed up.

I`m taIking about a reaI shitbomb.
