Suchwiin bulmyeong

Here's your monthly pension
Please give me your stamp

You're lucky to have
such an honorable father...

Did your father die
in the Baekma-Goji battle?

Doesn't that bother you?
Your brother shot you
with a toy gun, right?

Let me see
Let's see how bad it is

It's not enough to take my eye
you gotta cripple my dog, too?

Why do you leave it anywhere?
And! Why is your eye my fault?
We were both playing!
Who said to move?
And you can still see
fine out of one eye!

You two fight all the time!
Where did your husband die?
At the Fight of Nakdong River?
Many died there too...
I don't know
They'd have to find the body first!

Whew! What are you going to do
about your daughter's eye?

They could fix it
at the American Military Hospital...

If you're finished, leave!
I feel bad for your daughter
that's all. She has her
whole life ahead of her...

Whenever I hold an arrow
I remember the war

At the battle of Nakdong River
we fought with a North squadron

I shot three of them dead!
So why didn't you get a medal?
That's why the government's
screwed up!

They don't give to them who
deserve it. But them cowards
at the rear they get one!

Take a look at this!
For this service all
I get is a measly
30 dollars a month
