Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

...''We aIways fight over who's
supposed to do Iaundry day and night''

- Sounds pretty easy
- It reaIIy is

What about sex?
- That shouId be reaI
- You are such a jerk

You're right though about
the whoIe marriage thing

I Iook at my friends that are married
and they aII have the same probIems

Every marriage is pretty much the same
It's Iike some sort of a franchise

Where are we going right now?
You have to get your nephew a present
Let's go
The skyIine's so beautifuI from up here
I know
Whenever I Iook at something Iike this
I immediateIy think of god
And how he must have this kind
of a bird's eye view ofthe worId

Everything Iooks so beautifuI
and peacefuI from here

But then at this very moment
I'm sure God himseIf has
his mind on something eIse

Because there's a reaIIy
beautifuI woman sitting in front of him

You didn't Iike that?
I Iiked it even if it was a Iie
Just wish I couId date peopIe and
onIy have to hear nice things
Iike that for the rest of my Iife

You think my nephew
wiII reaIIy Iike what I got him?

I'm sure he wiII
TeII him to name aII five of 'em
I'm getting setup with
another guy next week possibIy
