Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

But then at this very moment
I'm sure God himseIf has
his mind on something eIse

Because there's a reaIIy
beautifuI woman sitting in front of him

You didn't Iike that?
I Iiked it even if it was a Iie
Just wish I couId date peopIe and
onIy have to hear nice things
Iike that for the rest of my Iife

You think my nephew
wiII reaIIy Iike what I got him?

I'm sure he wiII
TeII him to name aII five of 'em
I'm getting setup with
another guy next week possibIy

Did you just hear what I said?
You think I shouId see him?
Do whatever you want
I knew you wouId say that
It's not Iike I can stop
you from seeing him

Guess you're right
But stiII
ifyou toId me not to meet him

I wouId've at Ieast acted
Iike I wasn't going to see him

Are you seriousIy thinking of marriage?
Of course. I'II get married
as soon as I find the right guy

Oh yeah? You? Marriage?
What? You don't think I can?
Ifyou get married...
don't you think that
that's sort of a crime?

