Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

Did you just hear what I said?
You think I shouId see him?
Do whatever you want
I knew you wouId say that
It's not Iike I can stop
you from seeing him

Guess you're right
But stiII
ifyou toId me not to meet him

I wouId've at Ieast acted
Iike I wasn't going to see him

Are you seriousIy thinking of marriage?
Of course. I'II get married
as soon as I find the right guy

Oh yeah? You? Marriage?
What? You don't think I can?
Ifyou get married...
don't you think that
that's sort of a crime?

I'm not taIking about the virginity thing
If a woman Iike you get married
:30:09 you think you can be
satisfied with just your husband?

You think that's possibIe?
AbsoIuteIy possibIe
I'II never ever get caught
One thing's for sure
You and I both aIways Ioved
someone ever since grade schooI

You think that's gonna change
that easiIy when you get married?

We don't stand a chance
You reaIIy think so?
