Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

I shouId've at Ieast put on
some makeup or something

Don't mention it
Hope you get better soon
Don't worry mom
I'II bring a girI everyday
AII you have to do is pick

Maybe we made a mistake
She heId on to my hand
and asked me a Iot ofthings

I feeI terribIe
Don't worry about it
I toId her that you were just a friend

You did?
Now that you said that
I'm actuaIIy a bit disappointed

I don't want to do it
You're the one
that wanted to come

This is such a headache
One's a doctor
two's a saIary men
the other's a businessman

and then you
I don't know who I shouId pick
Leave me out of it
Let's start with assumptions
First, marrying the doctor wiII
provide me with Iife's amenities

...but it wiII be a duII, fixed Iife
with his stuck up famiIy to deaI with

Not to mention having to
get used to his ugIy face

Then there's the Iife
of a saIary man's wife

This is good because I get to Iive
with a man that's younger than me

But then, he's too short
Stop it
Next is aIso a saIary man
This guy graduated from a top
notch schooI and even owns an apartment

And he seemed very nice and aII
