Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

I don't know who I shouId pick
Leave me out of it
Let's start with assumptions
First, marrying the doctor wiII
provide me with Iife's amenities

...but it wiII be a duII, fixed Iife
with his stuck up famiIy to deaI with

Not to mention having to
get used to his ugIy face

Then there's the Iife
of a saIary man's wife

This is good because I get to Iive
with a man that's younger than me

But then, he's too short
Stop it
Next is aIso a saIary man
This guy graduated from a top
notch schooI and even owns an apartment

And he seemed very nice and aII
but he's such a mommy's boy
He wouIdn't stop taIking about
his mother. My mother this, my mother that

So why am I incIuded?
You're honest and
your mother seems very sweet

:46:26're good in bed
But I see us struggIing financiaIIy
and you'II probabIy cheat on me

Every chance you get
you'II sneak around with other women

Why does everything have
to be so damn compIicated?

Nothing has to be compIicated
