I been to over fourteen
Various companies,
same resuIt--door sIammin'.
Listen, to those cocksuckers,
you are what we are.
Yeah, weII, they're right.
It's time I did
something about it.
-Hey, aII right.
-Hey, the champ!
What about another one?
Jesus, that was quick.
Mercy ruIe?
WeII, you know, cIosed 'em out!
The man was outcIassed.
What can I teII ya?
I got somethin' for ya.
OK, just in time. Here.
CoupIe of scoots, huh?
That from Cristian?
Yeah. The man's a sport,
a gentIe, IikeabIe guy.
I never paid a check
in his joint in the oId days.
I feeI haIf-bad
about coIIectin' this.
So why did you?
We got to.
We're coIIectin' everywhere.
Guys supposed
to be comin' across...
with a set amount every week
aren't hittin' their figures.
How are we gonna
kick it up above...
if it doesn't fIow
into us first?
You figure they're hoIdin' out,
or just not earnin'?
Not earnin'?
There is no not earnin'.
You think peopIe
stopped fuckin'...
and stopped bettin' and stopped
borrowin' this month?
What the fuck's the matter
with you? You don't get it?
Someone's steaIing from us.
Look, Pop,
is there anything I can do?
Nah. Nothin' for you to sweat.
We're workin' it out.
Come on. Teddy,
wouId you heIp me out here?
You said it yourseIf.
Outside of BrookIyn,
no one's gonna give me a shot.
What are you compIainin' about?
You drive a CadiIIac.
Look, Pop, I got a handIe
on the Iow-IeveI stuff...
keepin' the taxis running,
overseeing the crap games...
the odd union meeting,
but it's time.
I'm ready to step up.
If you're jammed up here...
there's gotta be somethin'
I can do, right?
You brought us the sandwiches!
What eIse can you do?
Listen, I'II see you Iater.