
- (chuckIes)
- lndeed we are, Todd.

Tell us, General,
what makes an astronaut?

l'll tell you what makes
an astronaut, Todd.

You gotta be focused,

..and in complete control

But most ofall,
all ofmy astronauts,...

..each and every one
has worked hard...

:12:20 overcome their problems.
And each one ofthem...
:12:24 a uniquely gifted individual.
(Todd) The crew must be
really special people.

General, thank you for taking
the time to talk to us today.

- And good luck with the mission.
- Thank you, Todd.

And cake news.:
Today, a local lady
achieved national...

Overcome my probIems.
UniqueIy gifted individuaI.
(Alan) Fascinating!
So you wouId Iike me
to eIiminate...

..that which has made you
an outsider...

:13:00 the eyes of society?
No, AIan. It's my arse.
I want you to make something
to stop me farting.

My fIying machine
is proving to be...

..a greater chaIIenge
than anticipated.

It shouId work, but it doesn't.
The fIight competition
is stiII a week away,...

:13:18 a day's respite
wiII cIear my mind.

Yes, Patrick.
I will construct a machine
and before you know it,...

:13:26 wiII be in totaI controI
of your sphincter.

Does that mean
you're going to heIp me?

Quite so, Patrick. Now, Ieave me.
(echoing) There is work to be done.
So with Alan's help,
l felt sure we would succeed.

But things were already
happening around us...

..that would change our lives...
:13:49 ways we could
never have guessed.

(shutter whirs and cIicks)
