
Are you a murderer, Patrick?

l didn't mean to kill Mr Ceedo.
And l didn't know it was wrong
to sing the high bit with my arse.

ljust want to find
my friendAlan.

ljust want to be Patrick
andAlan, the team, again.

l want to put my gift
and your genius together,...

:46:16 we can reach for the stars.
l miss you, Alan.
And l'm scared.
(reporters and policemen shout)
Is that him?
Yes, that's him.
That's Patrick.
Read all about it!
Latest news!
Fart boy on trial!

- (customer) Six Heralds, please.
- (vendor) Get your papers 'ere!

- Echo, please.
- Latest news on fart boy trial!

World holds its breath
for fart trial!

(court clerk) Silence in court!
Ladies and gentIemen
of the jury,...

..PIacido P PIaceedo...
..was without doubt the worId's
greatest opera singer.

A charming, taIented man,...
..who, as I shaII show
during this triaI,...

..was humiIiated
and then cut down...

:47:06 this, this...
..eviI chiId.
(coughs from gaIIery)
(Osgood) I feeI such a fooI.
I gave him every chance
and he threw it aII in my face.

..he murdered the best friend...
..I ever had.
Everybody at schooI
was scared of him.

He attacked me
for no reason with that...

..weapon of his.
- (muttering)
- Order! Order!

I have taught Patrick Smash...
..for five years,...
:47:41 the end of which time,...
..I Iooked behind his eyes
and I saw...

..pure eviI.
You can cIearIy see...
..the deep crack in the metaI,...
..a production fIaw.
The boIt was substandard.
It couId've snapped...
