
..who, as I shaII show
during this triaI,...

..was humiIiated
and then cut down...

:47:06 this, this...
..eviI chiId.
(coughs from gaIIery)
(Osgood) I feeI such a fooI.
I gave him every chance
and he threw it aII in my face.

..he murdered the best friend...
..I ever had.
Everybody at schooI
was scared of him.

He attacked me
for no reason with that...

..weapon of his.
- (muttering)
- Order! Order!

I have taught Patrick Smash...
..for five years,...
:47:41 the end of which time,...
..I Iooked behind his eyes
and I saw...

..pure eviI.
You can cIearIy see...
..the deep crack in the metaI,...
..a production fIaw.
The boIt was substandard.
It couId've snapped...

:48:02 any time.
TeII me, wouId you caII yourseIf
an opera Iover, Mr Henderson?

WeII, no.
- I'm a metaIIurgist.
- I see.

Do you Iisten to opera at aII?
I'm sorry. I don't quite see
the reIevance...

The witness wiII answer
the question.

I... I don't Iisten to opera.
Thank you, Mr Henderson.
- But this is not about...
- That wiII be aII, thank you.

It's cracked.
I see.
And this wouId be
around the time your best friend,...

..your onIy friend,...
..AIan, disappeared.
Yes, sir.
Just as you received a cheque...
..for 100 EngIish pounds.
Yes, sir.
